Category Janus

The Phoenix Fallacy: One Month In

Well, folks, here we are!

It’s been one month now since the official release of The Phoenix Fallacy: Book I.  I’ve discussed in previous posts how opaque the book industry is as a whole, and I’d like to take this opportunity to perhaps clear up the picture, if only slightly.  Whether this particular Phoenix fizzles or flies is yet to be seen, but in my ongoing efforts to illuminate a small corner of the business, I wanted to post my numbers from the first month of sales.

This is an odd practice, and I feel very odd doing it.  I suspect one day these numbers will become nearly meaningless – sales will stop, level out, or explode – and in any case there won’t be much point in reporting them.  I couldn’t tell you if I’ve saturated my market at this point, or if I’m just getting started...

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Quick Book Update

The book is still selling well!  There have been over 160 copies sold now, and I’m very grateful to everyone that keeps sharing it and reviewing it!

I’ll be posting some updates regarding Book 2’s release and my other projects related to the book in August.  I’m projecting the release of Book 2 in October, and I’ll let you know if it will be earlier or later with my post when I get settled in Seattle.

All the best,


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Book Sales Update!

Thanks to everyone who purchased a book last week!

Many of you have expressed curiosity about the total sales of the book, and I thought it might be interesting to share some numbers.  As I continue to learn about the book industry, I’ve realized that book publishing is very secretive in many ways, and it’s often difficult to find any information about how books sell, or other information that might help authors.

I’m trying to make it a point, no matter where The Phoenix Fallacy ends up – blockbuster or big flop, to provide as much valuable information as I possibly can to other authors and friends.  In that vein, I thought I’d give you access to what I saw this past week:

The Phoenix Fallacy started the week at approximately #99,000 in the paid Kindle store (book loans through Amazon pr...

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ODIN’s Army

Now that the book has launched, I’d like to thank everyone who supported me in the run-up to the release.  Your energy really helped get The Phoenix Fallacy off to a flying start!

Now, my focus is turning to keeping the fire going, and so I’m going to be working hard on a new project I’m tentatively calling ODIN’s Army.  It’s my moniker for all of you who keep working to promote the book and pass it along to friends, family, and acquaintances.  Not only do I want to encourage you to keep working at it, but I want to find ways to reward you for your efforts.

I have several ideas, including discounts to future books and speaking at book clubs, but I want to open the floor up to you for thoughts and suggestions...

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The Book Has Launched

Click here to get your copy!

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Countdown: T – 12 hours

Hey Dear Friends and Readers,

The final hour is approaching.  July 1st is less than 12 hours away.  You only have to listen to me beg (about Book I) for a few more hours.  I know you are all extremely relieved.

To purchase the book and review through Amazon on the 1st, all you need to do is click here.  Or use the address:  The ‘buy’ option is directly on the right side of the page.

Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can still pick up the book and read it through your computer.  The Kindle program is free for download on any PC or Mac.  The Kindle app is also available for free for iPads or tablet devices...

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The Covers

Cover1      phoenixfallacy_bookcoverHQ

Two excellent covers – which do you prefer?

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The Final Stretch

Hey Again, Dear Friends and Readers!

The final stretch is upon us.  The book is releasing July 1st, and my goal is to have as many people as possible purchase and review it that day as I can get.  I thank you all for your wonderful support and encouragement up to this point, and ask you to give just a little bit more in the final 10 days before the release.  If you’re willing, please drum up support and interest for the book before it’s July 1st release date.  Anyone, everyone.  Have no shame – just like yours truly!

I’m planning on releasing the book with a special launch price of $0.99.  If you feel the book is worthwhile, please buy a copy of Book I, and if you have time, review it on Amazon.  Every purchase and every review makes a world of difference...

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An Artist Shout Out!

This is just a quick post, but with the book coming out, I wanted to take a moment to recognize the great artists who have done such amazing work over the last few years.  They all contributed in different ways, but if you ever want some high quality artwork, feel free to reach out to these brave souls who dealt with me!  (In alphabetical order of first name)

Audrey Gonzalez – Slide #2 and Cover variant #1 (to be revealed soon), hand signal slide show

Roman Mindek – Cover variant #2 (to be revealed soon) and most of the large pieces on the site

Rowena Aitken – Runes in book and on pages

Thea Kennedy – Logo for site, logos for slides

As a quick note, you might ask why I have two cover variants.  That is an excellent question!  The truth is that I’m very picky, and I like to hedge my bets...

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New Reader Update

Even though the site will have a few updates applied to it soon, I wanted to give new readers a quick heads up for how everything works around here.

Going forward, I’ll be making regular updates to both of the blogs on the site, but I won’t necessarily follow some sort of pattern.  Frankly, this is to protect you from lazy, repetitive writing.  Because nothing’s worst than a lazy author who uses the same words and phrases over and over, over and over.

OK, that was terrible.

But it won’t be in the future, because the Author Blog and Book Blog will get updates as appropriate!  The Book Blog will be everything related to The Phoenix Fallacy itself.  I’ll keep general updates and news posted here, plus any stories directly related to the publishing of the book.  The Author’s Blog will b...

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