Solo Mission

Hey folks,

It’s been such an odd few weeks that I just realized it’s been about a month since I posted!

As we are still deep in the trenches of the pandemic, I wanted to send you all a general message and update.  While Vulpine has unfortunately experienced some delays as a result of Coronavirus, so far my editor and I have remained healthy, and hope to get back to editing soon.  Long story short, Vulpine obviously has other books, and there have been some delays due to those that have impacted my editor, but they should be resolved soon.  But again, most importantly, we are all healthy, and I sincerely hope you and your family/friends are the same!  I’ll continue to keep you regularly posted about the status of editing, and am always open to questions you might have!

In the meantime, I hope you focus on your mental well-being and physical health.  Don’t forget to go outside – enjoy the fresh air (it’s cleaner now!).  Even if you live alone, don’t forget there are people thinking about you.  And take the time to enjoy an activity you love, or if the stay-at-home order limits you (like me and rock climbing), now is the perfect time to pick up a new hobby or activity.  Try something you haven’t before!  It may not seem like it, but this can be an opportunity for all of us.  Keep your heads held high.  All of us are on our own unique solo missions right now, but we can succeed together!

As always, feel free to reach out, and happy reading!

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